We all do! At first, many fundraisers feel that asking for a donation is “begging,” and board members are no exception. Rejection is inevitable – at some point, someone’s going to say NO. Let them know that it’s not a personal failing – it’s almost always about the donor, not the person who asked. And, most times, NOs are really a “not now.” You can always ask the donor why they turned down your proposal.
Solutions: Overcoming the fear of rejection takes time and comes with practice, along with an increased level of comfort and confidence in one’s fundraising skills. Provide your board members with the opportunity to develop and practice their pitch. Be willing to provide ongoing coaching, guidance, scripts, stories, data, etc. Make sure that at least some portion of every single board meeting allows members to discuss sticking points and roadblocks (this is probably best done in small groups or pairs) and to get advice on how to move forward.
There are many reasons our board members resist fundraising. The good news is that the solutions are straightforward, and the ability to turn things around is in our hands! Don’t try all of these strategies at once – pick the one that makes the most sense for your board’s level of maturity, experience, and functioning, and see how it goes. Then try another. Soon, your board will be raising more money than you ever imagined possible!
If you want a copy of the VIP Exercise or Individual Board Member Fundraising Menu, send an email to sarah@sarahblange.com with the title of the document(s) you want, and we’ll send them out!